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Removing False Positives

Richard Keyse, CEO | 22 Oct, 2021 |

A key challenge in the care sector is the stakeholders’ mesh of costs and benefits. We are all judged by our own organisation’s responsibilities and goals and not incentivised to invest money that may reduce the overall cost, if the benefits are accrued by other organisations.

In social care, one of the most pressing issues is the prevalence of false positives. These occurrences not only drain resources but also impact the quality of care provided to those in need.

Understanding False Positives in Social Care

False positives in social care refer to situations where interventions or services are provided unnecessarily due to inaccurate assessments or lack of comprehensive information. These can lead to:

  • Wasted resources
  • Unnecessary stress on individuals and families
  • Reduced efficiency in care delivery

The Interoperability Solution

Interoperability in social care systems offers a promising solution to this challenge. By enabling seamless communication and data sharing between different stakeholders, we can significantly reduce false positives and enhance overall care quality.

Benefits of Interoperability in Reducing False Positives

  1. Improved information accuracy

  2. Real-time data sharing

  3. Enhanced decision-making processes

  4. Reduced duplication of services

The Stakeholder Mesh: Costs and Benefits

A key challenge in implementing interoperability solutions lies in the complex mesh of costs and benefits among various stakeholders in the care sector.

The Organisational Perspective

As Richard Keyse, CEO, points out:

"As we are all judged by our own organisation's responsibilities and objectives, we are not incentivised to invest money that may reduce the overall cost, if the benefits are accrued by other organisations."

This highlights a fundamental issue in the current system, where organisations may hesitate to invest in solutions that don't directly benefit them, even if they contribute to overall system improvement.

Case Study: Local Authority Investment Dilemma

Consider the following scenario:

A local authority has the opportunity to invest in a care solution that could significantly reduce ambulance call-outs, potentially saving the healthcare system millions of pounds annually. However, the direct benefits of this investment would primarily be seen by the ambulance service and hospitals, not the local authority itself.

The Investment Conundrum

This raises a critical question:

Would the local authority make this investment, knowing that the financial benefits would largely accrue to other organisations?

To address this challenge and fully realise the benefits of interoperability in reducing false positives, several strategies can be considered:

1. Collaborative Funding Models

Develop funding mechanisms that allow costs and benefits to be shared across multiple organisations.

2. Policy Incentives

Implement policies that reward organisations for investments that benefit the broader care ecosystem.

3. Outcome-Based Commissioning

Shift towards commissioning models that focus on overall outcomes rather than individual organisational metrics.

Removing false positives through interoperability presents a significant opportunity to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of social care. However, realising this potential requires a shift in how we approach investments and measure success in the care sector.

By addressing the challenges of cost-benefit distribution and fostering a more collaborative approach, we can create a social care system that truly serves the needs of individuals and communities while optimising resource utilisation across all stakeholders.


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