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Fact or fiction: resilience of technology enabled care

Grace Thomson | 07 Sep, 2023 |

Fact or fiction: how can we be confident in the resilience of technology enabled care solutions? 

In this webinar we explored how you can validate the resilience of Technology Enabled Care (TEC) solutions.  


  • Nick Peach, CTO, 2iC
  • Richard Keyse, CEO and Founder, 2iC-Care  

If you missed the live webinar, or want to refresh your memory, read on to see what we learnt.
To watch the live recording, click here.  

To summarise, this discussion brought to light vital factors that shape the robustness of modern TEC solutions. The panel dove into the intricacies of resilience, common resilience misconceptions and outlined strategies to bolster the reliability of technology enabled care systems.  

Here’s a breakdown of what the panel discussed: 

How can we define and understand Resilience? 

  • Resilience isn’t simply about battery life or dual SIM connectivity. 

  • A resilient solution needs to consider all life and limb peripherals, devices and systems involved, including all data transition mechanisms. 

  • This includes appropriately embedded redundancy, retry and failover mechanisms as well as telecoms provision. 

  • Resilience also needs to withstand various environmental changes (including power downs, systems, and hardware failure). 

  •  Critically: The solution is only as strong as its weakest link 

Dispelling Myths and Defining Reality in the Care Sector 

Analogue vs. Digital Resilience:  
Analogue technology is more straightforward with fewer potential points of failure, whereas digital solutions need to have resilience designed in. Fortunately, digital solutions are suitably versatile and configurable through hardware and software design. 

Dual SIM:
Using two SIM cards can add resilience but can still have inherent points of failure (e.g. if they share the same network &/or mast). 

What is vital is to have multiple data transmission methods to ensure alerts can get to their destination(s) but must include automated and seamless switchover with no potential for loss of vital transmissions. 

Approved Hub to ARC digital protocols (e.g.SCAIP) currently have no resilience built in whereas modern, more powerful protocols, like Andi’s Lean Services Protocol, can have embedded resilience capabilities such as retry, message prioritisation, handshaking, transfer confirmations, variable packet sizes, etc. 

Enhancing Resilience with Andi 

  • Andi’s hub contains high quality transceivers which offer an extended range for connected peripherals. 
  • Andi leverages the Lean Services Protocol: Andi offers all the resilience benefits of a modern, open protocol which has been proven in geographies with low and intermittent bandwidths. 
  • High quality acoustics: Andi uses multi-dimensional, microphones and speaker, designed specifically for voice communications in critical, pressured situations between ARCs and the Service Users. 

In conclusion, the webinar covered Technology Enabled Care Resilience, steering the discussion from common misconceptions to single source of failure. The insights shared, shed light on the significance of flexibility, adaptability, and thorough assessment in building truly resilient TEC systems.  

Meet Andi 

Andi, by 2iC-Care, solves analogue to digital and future-proofs TEC services.   

Andi gives the right information to the right people at the right time to improve alarm response and enable preventative care. It is designed to be highly flexible, and this flexibility encourages technology enabled care teams to collaborate with many suppliers and stakeholders to improve care for service users.  

Andi on the TEC Innovation Award at the ITEC Conference in 2023. If you would like to learn more about how Andi can get you ready for A-D and future proof your TEC service, please get in touch with the team.   


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