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A Marketer with Heart Leads 2iC-Care’s Mission to Innovate Care

Grace Thomson | 21 Feb, 2024 |

We are thrilled to welcome the newest addition to the 2iC-Care crew - Alex Fulcher, Marketing Executive. Bringing start-up growth experience paired with a personal passion for care challenges, Alex is poised to make waves leading marketing efforts for our transformative solution, Andi.

I connected with Alex to dive deeper into what drew her to our emerging industry, her onboarding impressions as a TEC newcomer, and what initiatives she is most thrilled to get started with.

Why join 2iC-Care?

What inspired Alex’s leap into TEC marketing? As she explains, “I think it's the personal impact this industry has on so many people - everyone has stories about parents or grandparents struggling to get care.” She noted that when she heard the story of why Richard Keyes, CEO and Founder of 2iC-Care, created Andi, it resonated rather personally.

Andi hub dispersed alarm unit in service users home

Empathising with Family Care Limitations

Alex relates that often-felt struggle to her own family’s difficulties. Originally from Ireland, she feels great empathy for the guilt and frustration her parents’ encounter whilst overseas and attempting to care for their parents. Keeping in communication with aging relatives is something that a lot of people can connect to, it can be made even more difficult when distance is involved or if long-term health conditions limit independence.

Drawn to Industry Disruption

Beyond personal motivations, Alex shares that she loves a challenge and the prospect of bringing an entirely new generation of care tech to market with 2iC-Care held irresistible appeal. She acknowledges that the mission to change a status-quo is not an easy one but “revolutionising the healthcare sector and genuinely changing people’s lives” is not an opportunity she was willing to miss.

Technology Enabled Care: A New Industry

While anticipating needing to tackle TEC knowledge solo upon joining 2iC-Care’s busy crew, Alex has felt continually supported.

2iC-Care team after winning the TSA innovation award

Surrounded by Caring Experts

Despite the teams’ immense pace, Alex says no question goes unanswered.

“I’m surrounded by caring experts proud to educate people like me.”

She is grateful for the wealth of emotional and informational guidance from her knowledgeable colleagues such as Hollie, TEC Transformation Manager.

“Someone always makes time to explain concepts or point me to resources - it's above and beyond amidst such busy schedules.”

The openness has eased Alex's onboarding tremendously. She also adds how incredibly passionate the team are and how everyone is committed to transforming the healthcare sector for the benefit of every service user.

Soaking Up Available Resources

When not availing helpful team insights, Alex has been enjoying consuming content. From TSA guidelines to Andi case studies, reports from Association of Directors of Adult Social Services and citing Local Government Association’s Digital switchover telecare checklist; she’s prioritising soaking up materials to expand her TEC fluency as rapidly as possible.

Industry challenges

Alex acknowledges that bringing innovative technology like Andi to the care sector will likely involve some initial scepticism. However, she emphasises that openly engaging stakeholders to demonstrate real-world performance builds trust.

By having candid conversations and digging into specifics behind terms like “resilience” and “interoperability,” the tangible reliability and flexibility of Andi shines through. Alex states that rather than making empty promises, 2iC-Care pursues partnership and transparency - allowing the solution’s proven outcomes in areas like falls reduction or resource allocation speak volumes. She advises interested teams to do their research, devour every case study and reach out to the team with any concerns and queries.

Residential healthcare staff discussing the Andi dashboard


With insider knowledge of care difficulties from her own family’s experience and an outside perspective of creative growth, Alex Fulcher brings a blend of empathy and expertise to grow 2iC-Care’s marketing efforts. We can expect her guidance to catalyse Andi’s message and spread word of how this transformative solution revolutionises support for elderly and caregivers alike.

She is excited to take part in upcoming events such the webinar on cost-cutting for local authorities and adult social care and to attend the ITEC conference next month. And with initiatives like photoshoots and a podcast makeover in the works, Alex is wasting no time pushing boundaries of what TEC marketing looks like. We are thrilled to have her unique voice and skillset ushering continuous improvement and awareness of 2iC-Care’s mission to innovate care infrastructure across the board.

2ic-care logo in white

Unlock better care outcomes with Andi

@ Copyright 2iC-Care 2023